Ajay Devgn and R. Madhavan starrer Shaitaan is performing well at the box office. As per latest reports, Shaitaan minted about Rs. 55 Cr in 3 days. However, looking at the present trend, it can be predicted that Shaitaan 5th day collection would be Rs. 4.5 Cr (approx.) Though, we see a drop on 4th day collection of Shaitaan which is quite normal for a weekday. Shaitaan occupies 4th place in the top grossing movies of 2024 and can occupy 2nd place by the end of this week.
Shaitaan 5th day box office collection so far is estimated about Rs. 2 Cr (approx.) (figures will be updated every hour).
The movie fell short of securing a position among the top 5 weekend openers. Though, it surpassed opening weekend collection of Baadshaho (Rs. 43.30 Cr) and Bol Bachchan (Rs. 43.10 Cr), it failed to beat Tanhaji: The Unsung Warrior (Rs. 61.93 Cr).
Now, the next run of Shaitaan would be to enter 100 Crore Club in the weekdays. It would be interesting to know how much it grosses in 1 week.
Note: Shaitaan 5th day collection is predicted by looking at present box office trend of the movie and the exact figures will be confirmed by tomorrow.
Shaitaan Box Office Collection Day 5
Shaitaan Box Office Collection Day Wise
Shaitaan 1st day box office collection – Rs. 15.21 Cr
Shaitaan 2nd day box office collection – Rs. 19.18 Cr
Shaitaan 3rd day box office collection – Rs. 20.74 Cr
Shaitaan 4th day box office collection – Rs. 7.81 Cr (approx.)
Shaitaan 5th day box office collection – Rs. 4.5 Cr (approx.)
Shaitaan 5th Day Collection
Shaitaan overseas collection is quite good as the movie is performing quite well at Australia and New Zealand box office.
Day | Net Collection in India | Overseas Collection | Total Box Office Collection |
Day 1 (Friday) | Rs. 15.21 Cr | Rs. 3.5 Cr* | Rs. 18.71 Cr* |
Day 2 (Saturday) | Rs. 19.18 Cr | Rs. 4 Cr* | Rs. 23.18 Cr* |
Day 3 (Sunday) | Rs. 20.74 Cr | Rs. 6 Cr* | Rs. 26.74 Cr* |
Day 4 (Monday) | Rs. 7.81 Cr | Rs. 5 Cr* | Rs. 12.81 Cr* |
Day 5 (Tuesday) | Rs. 4.5 Cr* | Rs. 2 Cr* | Rs. 6.5 Cr* |
Total 5 Days Collection | Rs. 67.44 Cr* | Rs. 20.5 Cr* | Rs. 87.94 Cr* |
Top Opening Weekend Grosser Movies of Ajay Devgn
- Golmaal Again (Rs. 87.60 Cr)
- Singham Returns (Rs. 78 Cr)
- Drishyam 2 (Rs. 64.14 Cr)
- Total Dhamaal (Rs. 62.40 Cr)
- Tanhaji: The Unsung Warrior (Rs. 61.93 Cr)
Shaitaan Box Office Collection
Vikas Bahl’s directorial Shaitaan has shown a good footfall at the domestic as well as overseas box office. Though the movie has missed the 100 Crore Club entry on 1st weekend, it is moving ahead to touch the mark by the end of first week. Shaitaan overseas collection so far is estimated about Rs. 16 Cr (approx.)
Shaitaan 5 days collection is predicted to be Rs. 67.44 Cr (approx.) at the Indian box office. However, Shaitaan total worldwide collection is assumed to be Rs. 87.94 Cr (approx.)
We hope that you have gained your required information about Shaitaan Box Office Collection Day 5| Shaitaan Tuesday Box Office Collection. For more details stay connected with us. Also, you can put your queries in Comment Box, we will respond quickly. You can contact us on Twitter (@BoxOfficeIncome) and Facebook also.
Disclaimer:Â The Box office Collection data is gathered from various sources and research. These collection figures are approximate and we do not claim the authenticity of the data.